Distek 2100b manual
















? Xtant 2100B manual (Brochure, 1 pages): View 2100B document online or download in PDF. In the Xtant 2100B User Manual, that you can see on this page, can be found the following information about device The monostable integrated power-control circuit U2100B can be used according to the mode selection in relay or triac applications. U2100B. 3.1 Mode Selection Pin 4 and Supply Voltage Pin 2. The operational modes can be selected by the external voltage at the synchronous input pin 4 (clamping). Monostable integrated power control circuit, U2100B, can be used according to mode selection in relay's or triac's applications. Beyond that, it can be used in triac-application for two wire system as power switch, (being the load in series to the switch) whereas the supply voltage for the control unit is If looking through the Rolls RA2100B user manual directly on this website is not convenient for you, there are two possible solutions Downloading to your computer - You can also download the user manual Rolls RA2100B to your computer and keep it in your files.

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